Horn comparison

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  1. FIAMM AM-80 high + low tone, ~$20/pair + shipping
  2. FLAPS branded "highway blaster" high + low tone (AM-80 knockoff) ~$13 each +tax
  3. stock SV650
  4. stock Honda F4
  5. Hella Supertone high + low (85115), ~$65/pair + shipping, (also note how large they are)
  6. '93 Honda Accord
The Fiamm and Hella horns are hooked up using 14 gauge wire directly from the battery through a relay triggered off the stock horn circuit.

The stock/OEM horns are all completely stock.

My experience riding all these bikes and an F3 with the Hella Supertones is that the AM-80's are the best deal. They sound big even if they're not quite as loud as the Supertones. They're 1/3rd the price, and they're physically smaller and lighter so they're easier to mount

I don't think this is as an accurate representation of their loudness either, the Fiamms (and knockoffs) are closer in loudness to the Hellas than this makes it seem, and the stock horns sound louder in this than they do in real life.