800MHz G4 iMac, 1GB RAM, 80GB HD - $75

Sat Sep 8 01:30:51 2012
original - 1340 kB

Sat Sep 8 01:30:48 2012
original - 671 kB

Fri Sep 7 22:52:28 2012
original - 76 kB

Fri Sep 7 22:52:29 2012
original - 138 kB
800MHz G4 iMac, the kind with the hemisphere base and the monitor on a stalk.

Here's the EveryMac.com spec. page:


Model: M9105LL/A - PowerMac4,2 - M6498

I just replaced my father's machine, so this one is "extra". I've opened it up and blown out all the dust and crud that it's collected over the last 8 years.

This machine is not a powerhouse, but it still works just fine, it's powerful enough to write a book or do 99.9% of anything anyone really needs to do with a computer. It'll probably get wedged and slow down on modern YouTube videos that use excessive compression, and some websites that are more concerned with presentation than content might behave slowly. But for actually doing stuff that isn't better described as "play", it's more than adequate. The Hitchiker's Guide was writen on a machine 1/10 the power.